Token Vesting

Streamflow is the leading multi-chain token vesting protocol

Create token vesting contracts to lock up and distribute tokens to stakeholders and other recipients on a custom schedule. Token vesting with Streamflow grants you access to features like cliff dates, transferrable contracts, auto-claim, CSV bulk contracts and much more. Recipients of vesting contracts can view the progressing schedule and claim tokens from our unified dashboard, minimizing friction for recipients while adding a layer of transparency. We support both linear and non-linear vesting schedules.

Our fully featured token vesting product includes a number of helpful features:

  • Auto-claim: Set the unlocked tokens to be automatically dropped into the recipient's wallet, no need for the recipient to claim tokens manually

  • Batch payments (with CSV Upload): Create a contract with many recipients, either by manually adding the additional recipients you require or by uploading a CSV with all the recipients and their addresses, our CSV upload feature takes care of the rest!

  • Email notifications: Notify recipients of vesting contracts at each unlock.

  • Public Dashboard: Our public dashboard feature lets teams showcase all the token vesting and lock contracts to community and investors to be more transparent.

  • SDK integration: Streamflow SDK supports multiple chains for integration The UI of the Streamflow app is elegant, user friendly and highly configurable:

For instructions on how to set up vesting contracts using the Streamflow app, see this guide. Book a call with us for a live demo of the app for your vesting schedule: Streamflow: Token Vesting & Airdrops. Visit our app to get started with token vesting:

Last updated